Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas wish

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. 

It is Christmas day 2013, it was on this day over 2000 years ago that God in flesh was born of a virgin in a little tiny town in ancient Israel called Bethlehem. Most know the journey of Mary and Joseph and the hardships they had to endure to bring Jesus into the world. One does wonder why would the King of Kings be  born in a stable and introduced only to a select few. I do not pretend to know the mind of God in this matter, but can only convey to you what I believe was the Lords mind here. 

He was born in humble beginnings because he came for all of man kind not just the elite or rich. He came so that we would have life and have it more abundant. The first Christmas was memorable and no matter what the government does to try to take that away and erase it from the landscape they will never be successful. Because some old stubborn man like me will remind them and others that Christmas is about Jesus. Not a tree in front of a big house, or some guy in a red suit.

In 1964 I was living with my mom and step dad in Grover City California, it is now called Grover Beach. We were very poor and had a tough time, my mom did what she could to make things last , from the food to the clothes we wore. That particular Christmas was tough, I had been sick with the flu for a month and missed 3 weeks of school. My younger sister was made happy more easily then me. She liked the idea of getting a new doll for Christmas. Where as I did not know what I wanted for Christmas. I was searching then and did not know it. I just knew I had a big empty spot in my heart, I felt alone and felt like I did not have any support at all from my family. My Dad lived in Fresno and I could not stand my step mother, at best it was difficult. 

I remember opening up a present my mom had given me, she bought me a brand new bath robe, made from terry cloth. Much like the one I have now, I think that's why I like it so much. However at the time, it represented every heartache and disappointment that I had ever had as a child. The family opened up their gifts and I sat there and all I could do was be quiet and try to act like everything was alright. My mom knew something was wrong and she asked me what was wrong, I told her nothing and refused to talk about it.
I wanted more and knew she could not give me more, she had done what she could. I needed to learn to be happy with what I have, it was a good lesson. The empty spot in my chest never quite went away and every Christmas after that I would feel it. 

Little did I know it was the Lord calling me to him, trying to tell me I have what you need. I have the best gift in the world, and I came to earth just for you so you can have this gift. At the age of 33, I ran to an alter and asked Jesus into my life. I have made mistakes since then and I have sinned along the way. You need to understand this that God is faithful and forgives sin, even the worst sinner can be forgiven. 

So as I sit here and eat grilled cheese sandwiches and look back at my life, I realize how blessed I have been. God has been good to me , much better then I deserve. Soon my time like every one else on earth will be done, I will step from life to death to eternity. There will be a reunion, I will see my mom and hug her and tell her how much I have missed her and how much I appreciated her being my mom, most of I will be able to tell her "mom I love you."

So what is your Christmas wish this year, is it for a good life for you children and grandchildren, is it reconciliation with someone you love. What ever it is, I pray that you get your Christmas wish. God bless you this wonderful day

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What kind of faith does the Lord want us to have?

Hebrews  chap 11 vs 1: Now faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen.

It was a Sunday morning, early in October. The weather was nice and sunny. One could smell the season starting to change. The trees were changing colors, this was a parallel to what was going on in all of the head lines. The man took his family to church, he had been a Christian much of his life, was always a good
provider, he worked hard and stayed true to God. He was used as an example to others as a prime example of a true man of God. The man did not like to be  used like this, he felt his faith was personal and his business. yet he knew deep down inside his faith had never been stretched.

The problem had been revealed to him, on Friday. He had went in a week before for his yearly check up  and his doctor found something. It seemed small, but yet it was there. Like all disasters that hit, it started out small and was slowly building to huge seemingly insurmountable problem. This was the first time that anyone in the medical field had used the word cancer with him personally. At first he refused to believe it, then like all things when it hits the light of day, it proceeds to move quickly. By Wednesday he was throwing up blood and  having endless bouts of diarrhea. He went to the emergency room and the doctor managed to give him some help and cut back on the symptoms of the disease. By Friday, his body was almost back to normal , yet the disease was still there. He sat in his car when no one was watching and prayed that God would give him the courage to face this and be able to come through this in victory. Yet fear nagged him, it was his constant companion.

He did his best to be strong in the face of such an evil adversary, He leaned heavily upon his wife, she was at his side as much as she could. The children had problems understanding why this would happen to their dad. When dad would go up for prayer the whole family went up also, You see their faith was joined as one to the Lord. Their faith kept their life together, they faced the problem head on and they trusted the Lord.

Their faith was simple, yet strong, much like Abraham and Job and Paul. Their faith unlike a lot of others did not need a big show or a miracle. The man knew he was facing death, so did his family. Yet they trusted the Lord and did not blame God for this. They simply lived their life and loved each other and knew that in the end they would go home and be together.

A short but simple story, without any real ending, It irritating when we cannot know the end. We want it all wrapped up nice and neat and done in thirty minutes. We want the Lord to answer and give us the answer we want. When we get the answer we do not want, then we whine and complain and at times question the Lord. In the  story of Job, he was a man who walked upright before the Lord, and when disaster befell him, he never once blamed God. Jobs so called friends tried to console him and finally told that there is sure something you have done to cause this. Jobs wife even told him to curse God and die. In the end Job stayed true to the course and his life was restored ten fold.

In life we have choices that we make, often they are easy , often they are hard. Joshua told the Israelites before they entered into the promise land, choose you this day whom you will serve. Set before you this day is  blessing or cursing. How you choose to face things that  are difficult is up to you. We can walk in faith that is steady or walk in faith like whining little baby that has to have their way. Again choose you this day whom you will serve.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blind man

Revelation 16:12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.


Ask yourself how does one enter into heaven? Some people will say there are many paths to heaven, others will say if you just try to be good you can enter into heaven. Yet some will say follow your own god {conscience} whoever it is. What does the bible say about all of this? 

If you have ever taken the time to read the bible then you most likely looked at the new testament and read about Jesus. Of how he gave his own life on a cross for our sin and then rose up from the dead 3 days later. If you have not , I recommend the book of John in the new testament, it will open your eyes and heart to so much. The bible also teaches that no one can enter into heaven except those that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3 vs 16 says "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life". 

Man kind is in the middle of a revolution, governments are on the verge of collapsing for various reason, the most common reason is economic, the other is civil war. We have churches not taking up the cross of Jesus then say one does not need Jesus as Lord. Pope Francis has even gone so far as to say atheist can enter into heaven. This current pope fits perfectly the prophecy concerning the 112th  pope. This pope is very likely the one who helps bring the anti-christ into power. In fact his quote has been all over the news this week and he is quoted in prophecy news watch...  "I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience. Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience."  

 You will notice in the quote above that the pope never mentioned the fundamental step of accepting Jesus as Lord. When the pope said this, something  was turned loose upon the earth and people that live here. I can only tell you that it is evil and seeks to destroy man kind, because man is made in the image of God. This struggle for the soul of man has gone on since Adam and Eve. God in all of his wisdom gave man free will, other wise we can choose to follow Jesus or not. You need to understand that pope Francis is most likely the false prophet who will stand beside the anti-christ when the evil one reaches power. Even within the catholic church, there are those that have been shown this. If one can see with their spiritual eyes and hear with their spiritual ears, then they also have known this for awhile. The trumpet is preparing to sound, all hell on earth is about to be unleashed. If you are not ready, then you need to get ready, the first thing being is to give your life to Jesus, if you haven't already. The ultimate goal of the anti-christ is to destroy the soul of every man on earth.

Trying to look at these events with eyes that cannot see or ears that cannot hear, will deceive. The very first thing these folks will do is turn to the government and the government will be ran by the anti-christ. The government will tell them "...we will take care of you, you will have food , a place to live. comfort, etc... however we need your help in arresting criminals", and then the neighbors and friends who have known each other for years will turn on each other .Later on as foretold in Revelation 13:15-18, the government will require that you take the mark of the beast. If one is forced to take this mark,  you are not necessarily doomed to hell., you are only doomed if you use it. The problem is in order to buy food and other items, you will be forced to use the mark. Those that refuse the mark will be hunted down and executed. We could all be looking for places to hide, which is one of the reasons that the government of the United States is seeking to disarm it citizens.

History is unfolding before us, we need to watch with eyes that can see and ears that can hear, and make sure we fully understand what the Holy Spirit is teaching and imploring us to do. This life is temporary, and at times full of trouble.  The only thing and the very best thing we can do is be ready. Put your whole trust and your time and energy in the one who loves you more than we could ever imagine. Be completely immersed in the one and only true God so that when all hell breaks loose your foundation is strong for yourself, your family and everyone you touch. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013


Jeremiah chap 22  vs 6-9
 6 For this is what the LORD says about the palace of the king of Judah:
   “Though you are like Gilead to me,
   like the summit of Lebanon,
I will surely make you like a wasteland,
   like towns not inhabited.
7 I will send destroyers against you,
   each man with his weapons,
and they will cut up your fine cedar beams
   and throw them into the fire.
   8 “People from many nations will pass by this city and will ask one another, ‘Why has the LORD done such a thing to this great city?’ 9 And the answer will be: ‘Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD their God and have worshiped and served other gods.’”

In recent days there has been a civil war in Syria, you have the government of Syria fighting against rebels. What the lame stream media fails to mention that the rebels are in fact Al qaeda terrorist, who happen to be the same terrorist group that murdered over 5000 people when they flew hi jacked airliners into the twin towers, and flew one into the pentagon. These so called rebels are also aligned with Hezbollah, and the Muslim brotherhood. The war has gone back and forth with the government managing to control things. Now there is a claim that chemical weapons have been used, the Secretary of State from the United States has said there is proof that these were used. 

As an american citizen, I expect integrity from our government. I expect a government that is concerned about the well being of its citizens. The president wants so badly to bomb Syrian government forces. He has made it a point in an effort to side step congress and do it anyway. The constitution is very clear about this, he cannot side step congress. The president does not have the legal authority to declare war,  only the congress can. 

If one can take off their blinders and look at this situation without a filter, then you will see. That if we bomb Syrian government forces, we will be assisting the very same enemies who flew planes into buildings and killed innocent people. All of this and more in the name of Allah. Others with the best interest of the United States at heart have said " Let allah sort it out." It is quite clear in this situation that the president of the United States does not have our best interest at heart. With that in mind what kind of man is the president of the United States. He is not a Christian, he may claim to be but his actions speak much louder then words. 

Why would a man who was elected as the first black president of the United States want to engage in another countries civil war and bomb those who are fighting a known enemy of our country. The logical answer is that the president is a muslim who wants to destroy the United States and Israel. He has been put in office to weaken us and make us more dependent upon foreign countries.

This current government has allowed millions of jobs to leave and go to china. Currently some banks in the United States are buying up gold and selling it to the Chinese. This is gold that has been mined here in the United States. This however is not the main problem, the problem with the United States of America is SIN.

We have broken the covenant made with the Lord by the brave men and women of the Mayflower.. Because of this judgement has arrived, and it will intensify as time goes by. Slowly at first and then at a much quicker pace before our nations fall.  Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of their sin, the nations of Judah and Israel were destroyed and put into captivity, because of their sin. Dr Billy Graham has said that "If God does not judge the United States of America, then he would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." The Lord God almighty apologizes to no one. He is just and loving, but  he will judge sin. 

The book of Isiah chapter 17  says    1 A prophecy against Damascus:
   “See, Damascus will no longer be a city
   but will become a heap of ruins. 
Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the history of the world. To those of you that do not understand the resolve of Israel, you had better understand this. Israel will fight and destroy those enemies who are seeking to destroy her. Including , Syria and Iran and other middle eastern country that are dumb enough to try. In order for those nations to do this, the United States of America has to lose its military power. The department of defense has told the president, we do not have the money to strike Syria. This being the case, where is the president going to get the money to do this, they will do what they have done for the last 5 years, they will just print some worthless dollars and pay for it. Driving our once great nation further into bankruptcy. If the United States strikes Syrian forces, Russia has said they will respond, Iran has said they will strike Israel and the United States, by the way folks they have the capability of doing this. 

All of this is hard to deal with, its makes  you want to put your house in order and clear all of the unnecessary stuff out of your life. It is time to get our priorities in order. The bible says for us to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God." The Kingdom of God is accepting Jesus as Lord of your life and asking forgiveness of your sins. It is called repentance, which means to turn from your sin and turn back to God. The great persecution is at the door, are you ready?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What a price

Matthew Chap 16 vs 24-26: Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it,  but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

In these days of wars and rumors of wars and what seems to be chaos within the governments. One needs to examine their life and see where they are spiritually. Meaning what is most important to you? The answer to this question changes from time to time. Most of us always need to make more money. The question there bodes, why?

If  one has a pile of bills that will not go away and it seems to be getting larger by the day. Then certainly , one needs to make more money. But you also need to look at what put you there. Is it the desire for more things, like a new car when the one you have is still good, or is it the new home you like so well with the 3 bathrooms instead of two and you tell yourself, I can finally have a bathroom to myself and will not have to share with anyone. Or is it the new I phone or new tablet or the new pool in the back yard, or even the new spa by the pool. You get my drift, I hope. If any of this is the case, then maybe we have put our desires above the Lords desire for us, both corporately and individually.  Please understand, there is always a need for more room and car that will not break down all the time. 

The desire for more material things, also known as greed, will put you down a path  away from the Lord. You will spend your time and energy trying to gain the world. Let me tell you from experience, it will not work. If you really understood what was going on, then you would slow down and even stop some of what you are doing. It is not wrong to want a good living, but it is wrong when that working to achieve it, takes away from you walk with God and your time with your family. It often causes one to take their eye off of the God of all things and replace it with the god of material wealth. 

This particular sin, is the one big thing that has and will separate anyone from the Lord. Our own government is guilty of this. At this time in history they are getting more money from the US taxpayer then they ever have. The country, individually and corporately have forgotten about God and are ever working harder to line their pockets. The results of this is seen in the news every day.
We have elected a muslim president, the murder of unborn children goes on every day and nothing is done to stop it. Adultery, homosexuality, pornography are just part of the sins, that plague our once Christian nation.
We must as a individuals and as a nation, must lay aside our need for more cash and cars and a house that is to big to afford, take up our cross and follow him.  

In doing this, one could lose their life. Right now we have local and state governments doing their best to make it a crime to be a Christian. The federal government wants the Church to not take a biblical stance on certain things, in fact the government honestly believes there is room for compromise. When if one take the time to read the word of God. They will soon see, compromise is not mentioned, or was it ever taken as an action. If the individual embraces sin, then they condemned themselves.

To those that believe that they can deny Jesus here and stand before the
Father and still get into heaven. You are doing nothing but fooling yourself, scripture says if you deny Jesus here, he will deny you before the Father. Folks you need to understand, you will have eternal life after you die. The question is where? As was said in a movie once, you must choose wisely.

If you are wondering how much you are worth the Lord, then consider this, he left comfort and eternal joy to go to the cross and die for your sin. He was and is God, that will never change. I know sometimes we look around us and see all of the filth and greed, and it makes one angry. In this we have to be patient and let the Lord do his will and not hinder it. The most important thing we can do is live our lives according to His will and share when the opportunity presents itself. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Salvation NOW

John chap 14  vs 1-4 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

I was inspired this morning by a video. This video contains a message for all to hear and listen and act upon. As I listened to this video, I searched my own life and heart asked God to remove the sin and replace it with his love. As the video moved to its conclusion, the Lord filled my heart until it almost burst. I must say with all of my  being, his love for us is amazing and never ending. 

Ask yourself if I die today will I go to heaven? This question requires honesty. You can look at your life and find yourself wanting before a Holy God. We all sin, every last one of us, no one is Holy, except one and his name is  JESUS. If you can come to this conclusion then you have a chance, that is just one step.

Then you have to put aside your ego and your money and whatever else keeping you from Jesus. Then lay aside what you want, and do what Jesus wants you to do and then bow down on your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you of sins. Its not important that you give Him the whole list, because believe me He knows. Then you simply ask him to come into your heart and take control of your life. 

These few simple steps will open a whole new life. But you must understand that you have a responsibility to live the Gospel of Jesus. There is so much involved, yet it is so simple. Jesus said love one another as I have loved you. Our sin put him on the cross, he paid the debt we owed. So I would honestly believe that after one invites the Lord into their life, that one owes him a life that is dedicated to Him.  Am I saying go to the nearest street corner and start preaching, no. I am saying do like Paul did, study and  pray then act. Know your Bible know the words and the true meaning of the words of life. 

To those that come to read this for what  it really is, I pray that you find what you are looking for.  Here is the link to the video . However it comes with a warning, it will cause tears and feelings you may not have felt in a long time. and it will be good. God bless you this day.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

This rock shall not move

Matthew chap 16 vs 24-26  
Then Jesus said to his disciples, " If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can he give in exchange for his soul?

I stumbled onto an article written by the daily beast , in this article the writer referred to  obama  as a communitarian., I pondered what the writer meant so I continued to read the article. I soon discovered , that communitarian is just another word for communist. The thrust of the article was to point out that obama had transformed society by enforcing his will legislatively and through the executive order. The article said that the day of the individualist was gone and the greater good for the collective  is what is taking place. The writer wrote in such a manner you would have thought that obama was some kind of new messiah, sent to save man kind from itself. Obama would have you believe that if  you have ambition beyond what the government wants for you, then you are just greedy and selfish.

The United States of America was a great empire at one time, at one time we were a Christian nation. Now we are neither. What took over 200 years to build, has been successfully dismantled in less then 24 years. Starting with the first president Bush  to the current resident in the White House. They did small things at first, the first big step was the NAFTA  treaty, this was signed by Bill Clinton. Second president Bush attempted to have one currency and open all borders through bureaucracy. The currency was to be called the Amero, they were caught right in the middle of negotiations. The taking away of our constitutional rights began with Bush II and continues with the current resident in the White House. Infact if you believe what the lame stream media says, the way of the individual and Christianity are soon to be done away with.

All of this and more, makes one wonder and ask , what happened to"One nation under God."? It has been a systematic approach that began in the 1960s, The Supreme Court decision taking prayer out of school was the first major step. There has been some gains by the Church since, but minor. Even with the right of a student to speak about his faith in school, the schools still try to stop it. In Texas one school principle went so far that he shut off a students mic, because the student was about to share his faith, which is protected speech. We have cities zoning home church meetings out of homes. Our government openly supports terrorist and foreign countries that hate Christianity. If one becomes a Christian in a muslim country and they decide to get baptized. They are in danger of being killed for their faith. Mean while our government attacks its own people like we are the enemy. They spy on us at every opportunity, they invade Christian churches with their new technology and will not use it on a mosque, where the muslims who hate our country and hate Christianity. Our children who join the military are told if they talk about their faith they will go to jail, while the muslim is told he can talk about his faith anytime he The government is making it difficult to be a Christian, yet this is only the beginning of difficult times. Veterans from the military have to sign an agreement, that they will not own a gun, in order to get benefits.

Our society embraces sin and tells the Church to become more like them. The culture war rages on and continues to escalate. The homosexual movement has made taking over the modern Church buildings as a goal, they have successfully made it into the boy scouts and the next step is to be gay scout masters. In the interim the Southern Baptist church, stated that it was up to the individual churches to decide if they should continue to let the Boy Scouts meet in their facilities. Again another main stream church sells out in the culture war. The culture war marches on and the Church building is doomed. We may see the day when the true Church meets underground in secret, much like the Christians did in Rome, during the great persecution of the Church. Notice they did not have a building, they had Jesus.

The only answer to the problems of today , yesterday and tomorrow. is Jesus. AW Tozer said The man with a cross no longer controls his destiny; he lost control when he picked up his cross. That cross immediately became to him an all-absorbing interest, an overwhelming interference. No matter what he may desire to do, there is but one thing he can do; that is, move on toward the place of crucifixion.

As a disciples of Jesus we are to take up our cross daily, and follow him, Oswald Chambers said if you want spiritual growth in your life, then be obedient to what the Lord asked you to do. When you have accomplished this, then you can move on to the next step. Notice each step has to be obeyed and completed before one can move forward. In the  current climate, if you obey Jesus, you will stand out like a sore thumb and draw attention to yourself. Most do not want this attention, but if you deny Jesus here , he will deny you before the Father.

Growing up , I never thought that our country would get as bad as it has. Problem is, it will get worse, we have to brace ourselves for this.  The true Church is a Church not built with hands, but built by and for Jesus, with Jesus as the cornerstone. The Church buildings life is temporary, the Church that belongs to the one true God of the Bible,  its life is everlasting. You see the government or society cannot tear down what it cannot see or understand.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The beginning of the end

2Thessalonians Chap 2 vs 3    Don't be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed--the one who brings destruction.

This message that the Lord is having me to write began two days ago in Beaver Utah. In the midst of a conversation with a gentleman , he put his fingers to his mouth and said sssh. I assumed he meant I was being to loud and needed to talk quieter. By nature I cannot do that, I just kept on saying what I felt I needed to say. When he did this, I felt a sinister evil presence lurking about and it was disturbing,  I  pondered what it was, and  took extra care getting home, double and triple checking things on my truck and trailer. The feeling left when I arrived at my destination.

Today it was reported that the current pope stated that for one to enter into Heaven one has to do good deeds and that having Jesus in your heart was not necessary. This is what he said... 

  “Just do good, and we’ll find a meeting point,” said the Pontiff.
“The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone"

I ask an open question here, how out of that quote do you get that the blood of Christ is not necessary? The pope did not say that.  However he is on a slippery slope here, he opened the door to non believers to come into the fold without asking Jesus into their life. Is this a ploy to bring non believers into the catholic church to make the church bigger with numbers but no commitment to the Lord?  In 321 AD  Pope Constantine, opened up the catholic church to sun worshipers to bring in more money, it was then they started to gradually change the day of rest to Sunday instead of Saturday. So with these statements and perhaps unseen actions the 112th pope is starting to make a path for the anti Christ. The watering down of Christian church has been an on going process for awhile now. A large church in southern California, pastored by a well known Pastor has even allowed so called Muslim scripture to be read from the pulpit. The pressure of the church to become more like society instead of like Jesus is enormous,  A true church changes society into the image of Christ. The world wants the church to accept sin and to allow unspeakable things to be the norm instead of the abnormal. Jesus said you are either for me or against me, no middle ground here folks. The true church will end up going underground where we will have to hold our meetings in secret much like the Christians did in Rome. When this occurs we have to hold onto our faith not our dollars, the money will go away Jesus is everlasting. The next paragraph is from my previous blog and it pertains to what is going on today.

Posted on 2/11/13
"Within the Catholic church there is a prophesy concerning the 112th pope. The prophesy claims that during the reign of the 112th pope, the tribulation period will begin.  All the popes that have held office were from Italy, with the exception of the last two, Pope John Paul was from Poland and Pope Benedict was from Germany. Both of these men were good Christian men. The took each issue head on and made a biblical stand. As a non Catholic I would hope and pray that the true Christians of the world understand this."

So the question that hangs in the air, is the pope starting to make a path for the anti  Christ knowingly or unknowingly? There is a pattern to things as they unfold, everything seems to fit, either by accident or on purpose. As  each step the occurs if one observes in a spiritual manner they can see the design. One must understand there will be a tribulation period and if you are a Christian you will be persecuted. The separation will begin and those that are true believers will be revealed and the non believer who has entered the church under false pretenses will be revealed also. 

Every day you get out of bed you have a choice to either serve the Lord or not. Joshua told the Hebrews as they entered into the promised land. "Chose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord." Joshua choose wisely, I pray that each of us do the same.

Monday, February 11, 2013


It has been awhile since  I have felt a quickening by the Holy Spirit to write and share what the Lord is doing among us. It has been an eventful day. 

Most people know by now that the Pope has resigned, effective Feb 28, 2013. He is the first pope to ever resign, every other Pope died in office. He was the 111th pope, the next will be the 112th pope. Within the Catholic church there is a prophesy concerning the 112th pope. The prophesy claims that during the reign of the 112th pope, the tribulation period will begin.  All the popes that have held office were from Italy, with the exception of the last two, Pope John Paul was from Poland and Pope Benedict was from Germany. Both of these men were good Christian men. The took each issue head on and made a biblical stand. As a non Catholic I would hope and pray that the true Christians of the world understand this. 

In doing the research this morning about the prophecy concerning the 112th pope, I discovered a video with a message from the late David Wilkerson, he also was a true believer in Jesus and also gave prophetic messages. This particular message was given in 1974 at a convention. He spoke with authority and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You must remember that this message is almost 40 years old. Yet the message he gave, spoke of today and the things that happened in 1980's. 

Freedom loving Americans are under assault from our own government. The Constitution of the United States is under assault by the Democratic party, and some Republicans. This biblically based document is the what has held this country together. The men who founded this once great country, envisioned it as a city on the hill with a beacon of freedom to all peoples. They were inspired and acted obediently to God of all things, also the same God that is spoken of in the Bible.  The very foundations that the United States was  built upon are  being torn down by an assault that is satanic and when successful. The country will be divided up spiritually and physically, When this occurs the final part of what David Wilkerson spoke about will come to pass. 

I do not know of any true believer  that has the desire to be persecuted  for Jesus or their life  being taken for His sake. Yet, this is coming, some of us would like to choose the way we die, Most of us want to lay down and wake up in Heaven, We must understand what the word of the Lord teaches here, in order to gain our life we must lose it. We are either all in or all out, there will not be a place for lukewarm Christians.

Please watch the video and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and be obedient and listen.