Matthew Chap 16 vs 24-26: Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
In these days of wars and rumors of wars and what seems to be chaos within the governments. One needs to examine their life and see where they are spiritually. Meaning what is most important to you? The answer to this question changes from time to time. Most of us always need to make more money. The question there bodes, why?
If one has a pile of bills that will not go away and it seems to be getting larger by the day. Then certainly , one needs to make more money. But you also need to look at what put you there. Is it the desire for more things, like a new car when the one you have is still good, or is it the new home you like so well with the 3 bathrooms instead of two and you tell yourself, I can finally have a bathroom to myself and will not have to share with anyone. Or is it the new I phone or new tablet or the new pool in the back yard, or even the new spa by the pool. You get my drift, I hope. If any of this is the case, then maybe we have put our desires above the Lords desire for us, both corporately and individually. Please understand, there is always a need for more room and car that will not break down all the time.
The desire for more material things, also known as greed, will put you down a path away from the Lord. You will spend your time and energy trying to gain the world. Let me tell you from experience, it will not work. If you really understood what was going on, then you would slow down and even stop some of what you are doing. It is not wrong to want a good living, but it is wrong when that working to achieve it, takes away from you walk with God and your time with your family. It often causes one to take their eye off of the God of all things and replace it with the god of material wealth.
This particular sin, is the one big thing that has and will separate anyone from the Lord. Our own government is guilty of this. At this time in history they are getting more money from the US taxpayer then they ever have. The country, individually and corporately have forgotten about God and are ever working harder to line their pockets. The results of this is seen in the news every day.
We have elected a muslim president, the murder of unborn children goes on every day and nothing is done to stop it. Adultery, homosexuality, pornography are just part of the sins, that plague our once Christian nation.
We must as a individuals and as a nation, must lay aside our need for more cash and cars and a house that is to big to afford, take up our cross and follow him.
In doing this, one could lose their life. Right now we have local and state governments doing their best to make it a crime to be a Christian. The federal government wants the Church to not take a biblical stance on certain things, in fact the government honestly believes there is room for compromise. When if one take the time to read the word of God. They will soon see, compromise is not mentioned, or was it ever taken as an action. If the individual embraces sin, then they condemned themselves.
To those that believe that they can deny Jesus here and stand before the
Father and still get into heaven. You are doing nothing but fooling yourself, scripture says if you deny Jesus here, he will deny you before the Father. Folks you need to understand, you will have eternal life after you die. The question is where? As was said in a movie once, you must choose wisely.
To those that believe that they can deny Jesus here and stand before the
Father and still get into heaven. You are doing nothing but fooling yourself, scripture says if you deny Jesus here, he will deny you before the Father. Folks you need to understand, you will have eternal life after you die. The question is where? As was said in a movie once, you must choose wisely.
If you are wondering how much you are worth the Lord, then consider this, he left comfort and eternal joy to go to the cross and die for your sin. He was and is God, that will never change. I know sometimes we look around us and see all of the filth and greed, and it makes one angry. In this we have to be patient and let the Lord do his will and not hinder it. The most important thing we can do is live our lives according to His will and share when the opportunity presents itself.