Sunday, July 21, 2013

Salvation NOW

John chap 14  vs 1-4 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

I was inspired this morning by a video. This video contains a message for all to hear and listen and act upon. As I listened to this video, I searched my own life and heart asked God to remove the sin and replace it with his love. As the video moved to its conclusion, the Lord filled my heart until it almost burst. I must say with all of my  being, his love for us is amazing and never ending. 

Ask yourself if I die today will I go to heaven? This question requires honesty. You can look at your life and find yourself wanting before a Holy God. We all sin, every last one of us, no one is Holy, except one and his name is  JESUS. If you can come to this conclusion then you have a chance, that is just one step.

Then you have to put aside your ego and your money and whatever else keeping you from Jesus. Then lay aside what you want, and do what Jesus wants you to do and then bow down on your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you of sins. Its not important that you give Him the whole list, because believe me He knows. Then you simply ask him to come into your heart and take control of your life. 

These few simple steps will open a whole new life. But you must understand that you have a responsibility to live the Gospel of Jesus. There is so much involved, yet it is so simple. Jesus said love one another as I have loved you. Our sin put him on the cross, he paid the debt we owed. So I would honestly believe that after one invites the Lord into their life, that one owes him a life that is dedicated to Him.  Am I saying go to the nearest street corner and start preaching, no. I am saying do like Paul did, study and  pray then act. Know your Bible know the words and the true meaning of the words of life. 

To those that come to read this for what  it really is, I pray that you find what you are looking for.  Here is the link to the video . However it comes with a warning, it will cause tears and feelings you may not have felt in a long time. and it will be good. God bless you this day.