Matthew chap 16 vs 24-26
Then Jesus said to his disciples, " If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can he give in exchange for his soul?
I stumbled onto an article written by the daily beast , in this article the writer referred to obama as a communitarian., I pondered what the writer meant so I continued to read the article. I soon discovered , that communitarian is just another word for communist. The thrust of the article was to point out that obama had transformed society by enforcing his will legislatively and through the executive order. The article said that the day of the individualist was gone and the greater good for the collective is what is taking place. The writer wrote in such a manner you would have thought that obama was some kind of new messiah, sent to save man kind from itself. Obama would have you believe that if you have ambition beyond what the government wants for you, then you are just greedy and selfish.
The United States of America was a great empire at one time, at one time we were a Christian nation. Now we are neither. What took over 200 years to build, has been successfully dismantled in less then 24 years. Starting with the first president Bush to the current resident in the White House. They did small things at first, the first big step was the NAFTA treaty, this was signed by Bill Clinton. Second president Bush attempted to have one currency and open all borders through bureaucracy. The currency was to be called the Amero, they were caught right in the middle of negotiations. The taking away of our constitutional rights began with Bush II and continues with the current resident in the White House. Infact if you believe what the lame stream media says, the way of the individual and Christianity are soon to be done away with.
All of this and more, makes one wonder and ask , what happened to"One nation under God."? It has been a systematic approach that began in the 1960s, The Supreme Court decision taking prayer out of school was the first major step. There has been some gains by the Church since, but minor. Even with the right of a student to speak about his faith in school, the schools still try to stop it. In Texas one school principle went so far that he shut off a students mic, because the student was about to share his faith, which is protected speech. We have cities zoning home church meetings out of homes. Our government openly supports terrorist and foreign countries that hate Christianity. If one becomes a Christian in a muslim country and they decide to get baptized. They are in danger of being killed for their faith. Mean while our government attacks its own people like we are the enemy. They spy on us at every opportunity, they invade Christian churches with their new technology and will not use it on a mosque, where the muslims who hate our country and hate Christianity. Our children who join the military are told if they talk about their faith they will go to jail, while the muslim is told he can talk about his faith anytime he The government is making it difficult to be a Christian, yet this is only the beginning of difficult times. Veterans from the military have to sign an agreement, that they will not own a gun, in order to get benefits.
Our society embraces sin and tells the Church to become more like them. The culture war rages on and continues to escalate. The homosexual movement has made taking over the modern Church buildings as a goal, they have successfully made it into the boy scouts and the next step is to be gay scout masters. In the interim the Southern Baptist church, stated that it was up to the individual churches to decide if they should continue to let the Boy Scouts meet in their facilities. Again another main stream church sells out in the culture war. The culture war marches on and the Church building is doomed. We may see the day when the true Church meets underground in secret, much like the Christians did in Rome, during the great persecution of the Church. Notice they did not have a building, they had Jesus.
The only answer to the problems of today , yesterday and tomorrow. is Jesus. AW Tozer said The man with a cross no longer controls his destiny; he lost control when he picked up his cross. That cross immediately became to him an all-absorbing interest, an overwhelming interference. No matter what he may desire to do, there is but one thing he can do; that is, move on toward the place of crucifixion.
As a disciples of Jesus we are to take up our cross daily, and follow him, Oswald Chambers said if you want spiritual growth in your life, then be obedient to what the Lord asked you to do. When you have accomplished this, then you can move on to the next step. Notice each step has to be obeyed and completed before one can move forward. In the current climate, if you obey Jesus, you will stand out like a sore thumb and draw attention to yourself. Most do not want this attention, but if you deny Jesus here , he will deny you before the Father.
Growing up , I never thought that our country would get as bad as it has. Problem is, it will get worse, we have to brace ourselves for this. The true Church is a Church not built with hands, but built by and for Jesus, with Jesus as the cornerstone. The Church buildings life is temporary, the Church that belongs to the one true God of the Bible, its life is everlasting. You see the government or society cannot tear down what it cannot see or understand.