For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
It is Christmas day 2013, it was on this day over 2000 years ago that God in flesh was born of a virgin in a little tiny town in ancient Israel called Bethlehem. Most know the journey of Mary and Joseph and the hardships they had to endure to bring Jesus into the world. One does wonder why would the King of Kings be born in a stable and introduced only to a select few. I do not pretend to know the mind of God in this matter, but can only convey to you what I believe was the Lords mind here.
He was born in humble beginnings because he came for all of man kind not just the elite or rich. He came so that we would have life and have it more abundant. The first Christmas was memorable and no matter what the government does to try to take that away and erase it from the landscape they will never be successful. Because some old stubborn man like me will remind them and others that Christmas is about Jesus. Not a tree in front of a big house, or some guy in a red suit.
In 1964 I was living with my mom and step dad in Grover City California, it is now called Grover Beach. We were very poor and had a tough time, my mom did what she could to make things last , from the food to the clothes we wore. That particular Christmas was tough, I had been sick with the flu for a month and missed 3 weeks of school. My younger sister was made happy more easily then me. She liked the idea of getting a new doll for Christmas. Where as I did not know what I wanted for Christmas. I was searching then and did not know it. I just knew I had a big empty spot in my heart, I felt alone and felt like I did not have any support at all from my family. My Dad lived in Fresno and I could not stand my step mother, at best it was difficult.
I remember opening up a present my mom had given me, she bought me a brand new bath robe, made from terry cloth. Much like the one I have now, I think that's why I like it so much. However at the time, it represented every heartache and disappointment that I had ever had as a child. The family opened up their gifts and I sat there and all I could do was be quiet and try to act like everything was alright. My mom knew something was wrong and she asked me what was wrong, I told her nothing and refused to talk about it.
I wanted more and knew she could not give me more, she had done what she could. I needed to learn to be happy with what I have, it was a good lesson. The empty spot in my chest never quite went away and every Christmas after that I would feel it.
Little did I know it was the Lord calling me to him, trying to tell me I have what you need. I have the best gift in the world, and I came to earth just for you so you can have this gift. At the age of 33, I ran to an alter and asked Jesus into my life. I have made mistakes since then and I have sinned along the way. You need to understand this that God is faithful and forgives sin, even the worst sinner can be forgiven.
So as I sit here and eat grilled cheese sandwiches and look back at my life, I realize how blessed I have been. God has been good to me , much better then I deserve. Soon my time like every one else on earth will be done, I will step from life to death to eternity. There will be a reunion, I will see my mom and hug her and tell her how much I have missed her and how much I appreciated her being my mom, most of I will be able to tell her "mom I love you."
So what is your Christmas wish this year, is it for a good life for you children and grandchildren, is it reconciliation with someone you love. What ever it is, I pray that you get your Christmas wish. God bless you this wonderful day