Luke chap 9 vs 23-27
23 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. 25 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self ? 26 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. 27 I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."
Discipleship, now that’s quite a word. This word is thrown about in churches like money at a political fund raiser. There are different meanings to this word, kind of like the word Holy, it has different meanings too. I read the word of God and see the word “Holy”, immediately I understand what it really means. But others read the word “Holy”; they take it to mean something entirely different, then the literal meaning of the word. The excuse, and I do mean excuse, they will give is that God did not really mean that and besides how can anyone live a life that is “Holy.” Well God made us and He knows what we are capable of. That other word that was used as the title “Discipleship” has everything to do with the word “Holy.”
Jesus when he was here on planet earth, he had followers and then he had 12 disciples. The followers would go to the services and they were the supporters of the Lords ministry while he was here. Jesus would teach the people, he would heal them and he would feed them. Most people were poor and ate bread and water as the main stay of their diet. Seldom did they eat vegetables if they did it was grown in their garden and surprise there were no Twinkies available then. Most folks were poor and those that had a roof over their head considered that a blessing. The 12 were his constant companions; they traveled together and worked with the Lord in His ministry. The Lord set these men aside to become disciples. He taught them personally, poured his heart and soul into their hearts and lives and asked them to “come follow me.” Little did they know what they were getting into?
11 of the twelve disciples were martyred, except for John, he was sent to the Island of Patmos and was forced work in a mine and live in a cave and tortured for his faith. Peter was in Rome and was speaking to the Christians there and was told the Romans are coming to capture you and they will kill you, you must flee for your life. As Peter was leaving Rome the Lord appeared to Peter and asked him where he was going. Peter said they were going to imprison me and then kill me. Jesus then turned started walking back to Rome. Peter asked him where he was going, Jesus told him I am going to Rome to do what you will not do. Peter understood and asked the Lord to forgive him and I will go, Peter went back to Rome was captured and sentenced to death for following the Nazarene. They took Peter and were preparing to put him on a cross and there he would die from crucifixion. Peter upon seeing this, requested to be hung on the cross upside down, because “I am not worthy of being crucified like my Lord.” James was stoned to death by a crowd of religious Jews, Stephen the first martyr was also stoned to death. Today in Iraq, the muslim group called ISIS is doing their best to kill every Christian left in Iraq. They have beheaded adults and children all in the name of their false god, allah. So the questions lingers in the air, do I really want to become a disciple or even a follower, because both require obedience unto death.
In today’s church we have followers and a few people who are willing to become disciples. Being a disciple means to be completely sold out to Jesus, meaning He comes first and everything else is second. People will say they are disciples and then drive to Sunday dinner with friends at a nice restaurant and will turn their nose up at a man holding a sign asking for food or work. Being a disciple requires getting your hands dirty, it requires to pick up the Lords cross and follow him unto death. Do we all have to become martyrs, the answer is no, but we must follow with obedience. We look in the mirror and wonder if we are capable of doing this. Ask Peter, ask John ask the thousands of martyrs in Iraq. Then ask the Lord to make you a disciple if you dare and then get ready for an e ticket ride of a lifetime. There is nothing glamorous or rewarding in this life to be a disciple. If you expect one then you are going into the wrong way of life. The reward comes after this life is over, my wife will have her tree house next to her grandmother and I will have my little white house with a garden so my neighbors can come and get food from my garden and eat. None of this is much in the grand scheme of things, but the cares of this world will no longer exist and the well-traveled life will be rewarded You will not have to worry about your children and your grandchildren, It will be then that you will fully understand how much the Lord loves you and how much he loves you.