Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daniels 70th week?

Daniel chap 11 vs 20: His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor. In  a few years, however, he will be destroyed, yet not in anger or in battle.


The US economy at one time pumped out more money and production then all of the countries in western Europe combined. When Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty the result was a large exodus of jobs leaving the USA for China; in the last 4 years alone, over 3 million of them. With the jobs leaving the country the government tax base went away. Mr Clinton also pushed the banks into giving home loans to those that did not qualify. Hence we had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, President Bush attempted to stop it, however, Barney Frank the chairman of the House Banking committee said no and that was the end of it. This was only part of the problem, the Federal government has borrowed from Peter to pay Paul and those of us that are close to retirement are looking at working until we are unable or die.

The current resident in the White House seems bent on destroying what is left of the economy. The USA is 16 trillion dollars in debt and he has spent more more money then all the previous presidents combined. The House of Representatives will pass a budget and the Senate ran by Harry Reid will not take it up and they just borrow more money to keep the government operating. When this occurs the Federal Reserve buys the debt and we, meaning the US  taxpayer owes the Federal Reserve the amount borrowed plus interest. It is a vicious cycle that no one in government is willing to stop. Their answer is to raise taxes. The problem is that even if they raise taxes they will just increase their spending. Giving politicians tax money is like giving a heroin addict more  heroin  they are never satisfied with what they have. The Weimer Republic had borrowed so much money that it resulted in hyper inflation. It took a basket full of marks to buy a loaf of bread. We won't have to worry about carrying around that much money. We have debit cards and once that is done away with the government will give us an implant that can be scanned when we purchase items.

Hillary Clinton the current Secretary of State had let the lid off of Obama's plans, if he is re-elected. He plans on going to the United Nations and seek a tax on billionaires to be run by the UN. Therefore taking away any opportunity for a wealthy person to run and hide from the reach of the IRS.  Governments all over the world are in trouble, the country of Greece is an prime example. My own state of California has done the same thing. The democrats have ran the state government for over 40 years and have created as much debt as the entire country of Greece. When you talk to any representative about cutting spending at either the state level or federal level it is like spitting in the wind and nothing happens.

The current resident in the White House is arrogant and thinks he knows more then the average working man out here. If he is re-elected then the prophecy of Daniel 11 vs 20, could happen right in front of us. There were those that thought President Bush would do this, however he did manage to pass the patriot act and now we have patriot act 2, as approved by Obama. With this authority they can listen on your phone conversations and  record them. Cities across the United States are  putting cameras to monitor what people are doing in certain areas, we are being constantly monitored by government that tell us they mean the best for us, yet this can and will turn evil, much like what was described in the book written by George Orwell. It is the story of a society ran by a totalitarian government, the society was ran with an iron fist. The government monitors the movement of freight and other items across the country, the Law enforcement agencies across the USA at times are nothing more then uniformed tax collectors.  All of these steps are baby steps, but if the president of the USA goes to the UN and ask for a global tax on a certain group of wealthy people. Then we know that history is compressing around us.

We really need to understand this, that God is in control. There are those of us who have spoken out against what is going on the bias of media and the control of what is being said by willing puppets in the main stream media. Inspite of our speaking out, the out look of the coming election is much in doubt. David Wilkerson was right when he said this is not recession or depression this is judgement from God.

I pray each day for the Lord to have mercy on our country, this country has bathed itself in sin and very few wish to repent. When you read this pray that the Lord will show us mercy and not judgement. God bless you this day.