Matthew Chap 24 vs 24....24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
1 Timothy chap 4 vs1-5
1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
Most of us know that our days numbered on this earth, either by getting to old, or other means. Being old and admitting that I know very little, and finding that as I get older the more I find that I do not know. We have to constantly be a mode of trying to learn or we will be left behind.
Most people that actually open the bible and read the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, will see obviously that death and destruction awaits the inhabitants of the planet earth, most of it earned by the way.
Governments all over the planet are in deep debt, our own governments debt is over 20 trillion,I write trillion because I cannot write that many zeros for fear of getting writers cramp. In-fact our government has not paid the debt from ww1. The last time the debt was actually manageable was in 1833 when Andrew Jackson was President and he like President Trump was an outsider, both parties hated him. The debt then was 33 thousand, and he had shrunk it from the year before. Most governments today are drowning in debt. Most of the money is owed to the Rothschild and others. So let me put this out and you do with it what you want, I mean God does give us freedom of choice. Not saying I am right, because in the end there is death and destruction and the Lord Jesus has to intervene before we destroy ourselves.
According to report that was put out today by Q anon, { the links will be below} There is deal called the NESARA, apparently this is set up as a fund that made up of real gold and silver that will cover all the nations debts and allow them to start from scratch.This so called Utopian group is going to pay all the debts off. So what if this does happen?
Well part of the deal is that the US government as it sits right now will be totally and completely reorganized, removing all persons serving in the congressional branch and the executive branch and a new president will be appointed. Then after that elections held and new people who are supposedly true patriots will be run for office. Hence we are back to our constitutional republic once more. Do not want to leave out the part where Trump stays in office as a figure head and finishes exposing the 'Bushes and the Clinton cartels. You get my point here. Then after he will no longer hold office and a new President is appointed as a result of the NESARA actions.
This is totally opposite of what people expect, they expect violence and sudden natural disasters. The reason it could happen like this is to lull the church into a false sense of security, thinking every thing is alright , when in truth, satan is doing this to draw the church in and fool them. How will this happen, well I have an opinion right or wrong here it is.
If all this occurs, you have to remember what ever you have in the bank will quite possibly be gone, The government will seize it and use it for their own goals however nefarious the goals are. They might even try to seize your property by hook or crook or force and leave you with what you started out with when you born. Next will be when the government forces every one to be take a chip embedded in their body and this chip will act like a credit card that no one can duplicate or steal your money. Hence the mark of the beast. Remember that the idea is to fool the elect, some not all will be fooled and go along because the chip offers economic prosperity, food, place to live, car to drive , your smart phone etc.Those that understand this will not take the chip and will be in hiding, then you will have two societies and those that took the mark and the true Christian who refuses and is in hiding from the government, fighting to survive. Then after this occurs , there will natural disasters and wars and death and destruction to man kind. However it goes, Jesus will return and will reign and subdue these out of control power hungry people. Am I right, or wrong? What if I am right and you allow yourself to be sucked in. The two links below are an awful lot to digest and would suggest you pray and allow the Lord to reveal the truth to you. Jesus Christ is Lord of all and in the end every knee shall bow and tongue will confess that He is Lord. Notice it will not be a choice.
as promised the links...