Isiah chap 6 vs 8-13
8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go, and tell this people: ‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand.’
10 “Render the hearts of this people insensitive, Their ears dull, And their eyes dim, Otherwise they might see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, Understand with their hearts, And return and be healed.”11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?” And He answered, “Until cities are devastated and without inhabitant, Houses are without people And the land is utterly desolate,
12 “The LORD has removed men far away, And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
13 “Yet there will be a tenth portion in it, And it will again be subject to burning, Like a terebinth or an oak Whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump.”
This morning I was in prayer and listening to praise music. This scripture was brought to mind, by the Holy Spirit. This is straight out of the book of Isiah, which the Hebrews call the Gospel. To the Jew this is the Gospel of Christ, to us it is a great insight into how the Lord was approaching Israel and its constant disobedience. It became so bad that they were sacrificing their children to the foreign gods.The Lord had given Israel and Judea chance after chance to repent, he promised to restore their land. Yet they would not repent and turn from their sin. They were to caught up in their culture to change.
I was born again in the 1983 and we attended an Assembly of God church, it was an old style assembly of God. There were some in the church that had gifts, others just pretended. My Sunday School teacher, had a great gift. The Lord used her to minister to folks in the church and to disciple those of us that wanted to walk close to the Lord. One Sunday morning , she gave a prophecy. It said my children the storm clouds are gathering the day will soon to night.. Stay close to me and I will lead you through the darkness. This is all that I can remember of it, its pretty close to what was said. Last week my wife was listening to a radio preacher and he told the congregation that the Lord saved the best for last.
I took each of these statements, at first independently , then I placed them together and the Holy Spirit gave me that answer this morning. On 911,. Arab terrorist attacked us and killed thousand of innocent people. Our nation for a short period of time came back to the God of the Bible, the God of Israel and the God of whom the foundation of this once great nation was founded. However it did not take, later on we had what they call the great recession, people have moved out of their home and live on the streets and river beds , where they can to find shelter. The poor have gotten poorer, the rich have gotten richer, and the US government has taken in more tax money, then at any time in its entire history, Yet this is not enough. The state of California is in a drought, its the worst in years. The continued recognition by state and federal government of Gay marriage looms over our country.. The murder of innocent children continues, all for the sake of a woman's right to choose.. These are just a few of the problems we have as a nation..All of these things that happened was the Lord trying to bring our nation back to Him. But we like Israel are stubborn and will not repent.
Because of the sins mentioned in the previous paragraph, we have come under judgement from the Lord. What made things worse is when the people of this country decided to vote in president who is clearly a muslim and not a citizen. Will add here a leader generally is a reflection of the folks who put him in office.
In my last blog I published a called to prayer by Billy Grahams daughter, she believes that if our prayers are not answered at this time , there will be a great persecution upon Christians in the USA. I pray that the radio preacher was right, that the Lord did save the best of us for last. To those of you that think that God will allow anything like this in our country, you are living in a dream. The abandoned military bases are set up to house thousands of people. FEMA, will force people from their homes to these place, most people who go to these places will go willingly. When the Nazis took over Germany they set up the concentration camps to kill the Jewish people. and most of them went willingly. The Nazis lied to them and told them you can go here its out in the country, we will feed you and cloth you and give you a place to live and you will taken care of. As you know by now they murdered over 6 million.
The hammer of Judgement is about to fall, unless each of us repents and turns from our sin, after this is accomplished Then the task will be to rebuild the culture from the ground up, by raising our families and making sure that the local and state and federal governments , get out of the business of trying to raise our children and that we as parent and grand parents take a strong hand in this.This and much more can be accomplished if the nation turns from its Sin and turns to the one true God. Will it happen? Just grab hold of the scripture " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
If judgement continues to come and unfortunately I believe that it will. The we must hold fast to the Lord and his promise of eternal life. Jesus told his disciples "In my fathers house are many mansion, if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to there to prepare a place for you." That is a promise that will be kept., so hold fast and be brave, Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the traps of the enemy.
A great darkness is about to over come this once great land, we must rise above the darkness and indeed prove the radio preacher right, that the Lord did save the best for last. God bless you this day
Monday, June 30, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Time to take a stand
Romans chap 8 vs 37-39 37But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As most of us know by now our nation and the whole world in fact are both in the process of making what I call "the Great persecution," become a reality. Those that are Christians understand that if we are Christians in word and deed then we will be persecuted. My wife and I fully expect to be persecuted and maybe even our lives could be required. I will also add this; its much easier to be a pew filling Christian then a real Christian. Certain things have occurred in the last several months to open the gates of hell upon us. The pressure of the US government upon Churches to accept homosexual marriage and not call it what it is and it is SIN. This is major, the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. The men who confronted the Angels in front of Lots home, wanted to have relations with these Angels, The rest you know by now, the Lord blinded the men and told Lot and his wife to flee the city. After they left the city , the Lord destroyed the city.
This situation we have now is different, we are in the midst of a great judgement from God. The government keeps saying the economy is better , but yet we all know it is not. There are more homeless people then in any time of the history of the United States. The numbers grow every day, and the gap between the poor and the rich increases by the month. The US government has had a big hand in this, their constant interference on small business and constantly taking more out of our pay checks to pay for god knows what. The government right now is taking in more money than in any other time of our history, yet it is not enough. There are a few good men who stand up in congress and call out the men and women who are doing this. They call them out and main stream media calls these men extremist. The dept of homeland security and the US military are being trained to deal with domestic terrorist, and they teach in their training that if someone is a Christian then they are a potential terrorist.
Our nation and our government has turned its back on the Lord and some of the so called main stream churches have also. In recent days, one church has allowed the Koran to be read from the pulpit. The God of the Bible and the God of all things is a jealous God and will not be mocked. These churches are not churches, reaching across to the aisle to religion that is against the Lord and his people is not the answer. It is like Lord Chamberlain making a deal with Adolph Hitler and then only to have Hitler break the deal time and time again. The Bible says you are either for God or against Him. There is no place in between. And there will be no place to hide. The Lord is preparing to separate the chaff from the wheat. It is time to stand up and be counted, or be lost.
Billy Grahams daughter is calling for prayer for our nation and for protection from our own government to begin July 1st and end July 7th of 2014, here is the link , I challenge and ask all who read this blog and to read what she has written and then pray and ask the Lord to forgive us our sins so that perhaps if he sees fit our nation can be restored. Most of all pray that the Lord puts a hedge about you and yours and protects you and pray that the Lord will give you the courage to face the coming persecution. God bless all who read this. Below is the link you should read.
In all of this, the Lord is faithful and this persecution or anything else can not separate us from God. But it is up to each of us individually to make a right choice. So we must hang on and stand up for Jesus. We have to be strong in the Lord, trying to do this in our own strength will not happen. Lean upon the Lord and He will bring you through it.
In all of this, the Lord is faithful and this persecution or anything else can not separate us from God. But it is up to each of us individually to make a right choice. So we must hang on and stand up for Jesus. We have to be strong in the Lord, trying to do this in our own strength will not happen. Lean upon the Lord and He will bring you through it.
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