This message that the Lord is having me to write began two days ago in Beaver Utah. In the midst of a conversation with a gentleman , he put his fingers to his mouth and said sssh. I assumed he meant I was being to loud and needed to talk quieter. By nature I cannot do that, I just kept on saying what I felt I needed to say. When he did this, I felt a sinister evil presence lurking about and it was disturbing, I pondered what it was, and took extra care getting home, double and triple checking things on my truck and trailer. The feeling left when I arrived at my destination.
Today it was reported that the current pope stated that for one to enter into Heaven one has to do good deeds and that having Jesus in your heart was not necessary. This is what he said...
“Just do good, and we’ll find a meeting point,” said the Pontiff.
“The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone"
I ask an open question here, how out of that quote do you get that the blood of Christ is not necessary? The pope did not say that. However he is on a slippery slope here, he opened the door to non believers to come into the fold without asking Jesus into their life. Is this a ploy to bring non believers into the catholic church to make the church bigger with numbers but no commitment to the Lord? In 321 AD Pope Constantine, opened up the catholic church to sun worshipers to bring in more money, it was then they started to gradually change the day of rest to Sunday instead of Saturday. So with these statements and perhaps unseen actions the 112th pope is starting to make a path for the anti Christ. The watering down of Christian church has been an on going process for awhile now. A large church in southern California, pastored by a well known Pastor has even allowed so called Muslim scripture to be read from the pulpit. The pressure of the church to become more like society instead of like Jesus is enormous, A true church changes society into the image of Christ. The world wants the church to accept sin and to allow unspeakable things to be the norm instead of the abnormal. Jesus said you are either for me or against me, no middle ground here folks. The true church will end up going underground where we will have to hold our meetings in secret much like the Christians did in Rome. When this occurs we have to hold onto our faith not our dollars, the money will go away Jesus is everlasting. The next paragraph is from my previous blog and it pertains to what is going on today.
Posted on 2/11/13
"Within the Catholic church there is a prophesy concerning the 112th pope. The prophesy claims that during the reign of the 112th pope, the tribulation period will begin. All the popes that have held office were from Italy, with the exception of the last two, Pope John Paul was from Poland and Pope Benedict was from Germany. Both of these men were good Christian men. The took each issue head on and made a biblical stand. As a non Catholic I would hope and pray that the true Christians of the world understand this."
So the question that hangs in the air, is the pope starting to make a path for the anti Christ knowingly or unknowingly? There is a pattern to things as they unfold, everything seems to fit, either by accident or on purpose. As each step the occurs if one observes in a spiritual manner they can see the design. One must understand there will be a tribulation period and if you are a Christian you will be persecuted. The separation will begin and those that are true believers will be revealed and the non believer who has entered the church under false pretenses will be revealed also.
Every day you get out of bed you have a choice to either serve the Lord or not. Joshua told the Hebrews as they entered into the promised land. "Chose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord." Joshua choose wisely, I pray that each of us do the same.